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Commercial Grade Milkshake Makers are an essential tool for many hospitality businesses. This includes cafes, bakeries, ice cream shops and fast food shops. Along with making milkshakes they can be used to make iced coffees and iced chocolates. They even be used in pubs and wine bars to mix cocktails. Being commercial grade they are designed to create smooth and consistent drinks fast.
There are many advantages to having a commercial grade milkshake maker. This includes being specifically designed for heavy duty use.
We supply milkshake makers from the best brands including: Roband and Hamilton Beach, so browse through our products or contact us to find the model that is right for your kitchen.
You’ll find commercial grade milkshake makers for sale through our online catalogue but if you have any queries please call us on (03) 9796 8925.
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Address: DHT Solutions
6/116-118 Abbott Rd
Victoria, 3803
Tel: (03) 9796 8925